
Give your design a boost

The effects of design can be difficult to measure. Therefore, there are many who directly ask us what can design do for us. And the answers are just as broad as differences in the companies asking. Based on our  own 10+ years of experience and on the several studies from, among others – the Danish Design Center and the British Design Council, we see that there are some directly measurable effects to using design.

What can design do for you?

Design has a direct positive effect on the bottom line. 74% of the companies that actively use design state that design has a direct positive effect on their bottom line. Among other things, in the form of increased sales and exports, as well as lowering costs.


Design strengthens your brand and is a strong differentiator in a competitive market. In fact, to such an extent that companies that have gone from not using design to using design at the strategic level have, on average, increased their market share by 6.3%. The use of design also provides increased customer and user satisfaction and fewer complaints.


Internally in your business, design can also make a difference. The use of design and design methods increases employee satisfaction and gives both employees and management, deeper insight into customers’ needs and wishes. In addition, design also provides a better basis for decision-making when innovating and developing new products and business areas.


Reach out, and get un touch with us,
if you have questions, or just want to have a talk about how design can make a difference in your particular line of business
No strings attached.

You need design in your business, if it is in your product, on a strategic level or costumer facing desig…

 we can help you with that.
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